It is cold,.....?
- is it
- isn't there
- isn't it
- is there
That is the best poem in the book,....?
- is it
- isn't it
- isn't that
- is that
They were at the seaside,.....?
- were they
- wasn't they
- wasn't it
- weren't they
That wasn't your best ballon,.....?
- was that
- was it
- wasn't that
- wasn't it
You aren't angry with me,....?
- are you
- isn't it
- aren't you
- were you
They had a new game,.....?
- hadn't they
- had they
- didn't they
- did they
Your sister has got a little bike,....?
- doesn't she
- does she
- hasn't she
- has she
Your sister has lunch at home,....?
- hasn't she
- has she
- does she
- doesn't she
They haven't got any flowers,......?
- have they
- haven't they
- do they
- don't they
There is no piano in the room,.....?
- isn't there
- isn't it
- is there
- is it
She travels a lot,...?
- does she
- don't she
- doesn't she
- did she
You never go to the forest in winter,...?
- do you
- don't you
- did you
- didn't you
Kate knows nothing about Maths,...?
- did she
- do she
- doesn't she
- does she
The boys always travel by train,...?
- didn't they
- doesn't he
- do they
- don't they
It was a silly thing to do,...?
- was it
- isn't it
- wasn't it
- didn't it
They could buy something nice,...?
- did they
- didn't they
- couldn't they
- could they
He will see nothing interesting there,....?
- doesn't it
- does he
- won't he
- will he
I am your friend,...?
- am not I
- am I
- are I
- aren't I
They must stay at home,...?
- must they
- don't they
- mustn't they
- do they
They had no time to discuss the problem,...?
- did they
- hadn't they
- had they
- didn't they